Oral Presenter Information

Online Conference

Online presenters will need to have access to Zoom for online meetings.  Familiarize yourself with Zoom functions and attendee controls before the conference.  Check out some tips for communications, lighting, and video recording from the FGSR and the Faculty of Science.

Presenters, please update your Zoom profile with the photo you submitted for the conference.

Information for Online Oral Presenters 

  1. Presentations are to be 12 min long, plus 3 min for questions
  2. Presentations should be provided in download-friendly format, such as .pdf, with speaker notes included in order to improve accessibility for the hearing impaired*.
  3. Presentations will be held in scheduled online group meetings with a lineup of four speakers in 60 minutes.
  4. Make sure your presentation ends on time.  Similar to an in-person speaking engagement, you must be polite to those speaking after you.  If your presentation runs over 12 minutes or your Q&A runs longer than 3 minutes, you will be disqualified from judging.
  5. First and second place winners for all levels (Undergraduate, MSc, PhD) will be announced by the BGSA after the conference.

*Since we are online, we have an opportunity to make our conference more accessible.  Please submit presentation slides, including speaker notes.  When you are creating your presentation notes, simply imagine you are communicating with a colleague who is deaf.  Include the necessary information so that a fellow scientist who cannot hear you, can follow along and understand your presentation.  Depending on your presentation style, you may need many speaker notes, or just a few.  We’re not asking for a full transcript of every word in your talk, just the necessary information for your slides to be understood.

If you are concerned about sharing data before your research has been published, please don’t share it.  Unlike in a live conference, we will have no way to tell if someone is using their phone or other device to record your presentation.  We cannot stop people from taking screenshots or using their phone cameras.  At R.E. Peter, you don’t need to share every detail of your data, to give a successful talk!  Only share whatever information you are comfortable with.

During the Conference

Oral presentations will be live 12 minute talks, followed by 3 minutes for Q&A. Presenters will be assigned to an online meeting room. These group meetings will be open to conference attendees and conference judges, along with fellow conference participants.

On the day of your presentation, you will join the appropriate online meeting and be prepared to share your screen and speak live when called upon. A meeting host will introduce and coordinate the presentations for a smooth flow.

Any presenters not in attendance at their scheduled meeting will be disqualified from the contest. Likewise, presenters will be required to set up and finish on time, to accommodate the other speakers in the meeting. Anyone exceeding the 12 & 3 time limitation will be disqualified.

Good luck with your presentations!

Please contact us if you have questions or need clarification: repeter@ualberta.ca